Brad Capshaw's Bio

Brad Capshaw's Bio

Ordained Minister with The Fishermen Ministry
Located in Cottageville, SC

Phone:  (843) 835-8040
Address:  2220 Wesley Grove Rd, Cottageville, SC 29435
Email Brad:  Use form at bottom of page.

Click here to read Brad’s Testimony.

I was born April17, 1961 to Bill & Naomi Capshaw, in Edmund, Oklahoma.  They were from Chattanooga, Oklahoma.  It’s a farming town of about 300 people, where my dad’s dad had a grocery store.  My mom’s dad died from injuries sustained in WWI, & her mom died a bit early from raising 9 kids alone, so I never knew them. Mom & Dad loved me, which is no small thing.  They had 3 boys, about 4 years apart (so they could help pay for our college), & I was in the middle.  Which stunk.

Dad was an Air Force as an officer & I liked it.  We moved about every 3 years, & attended Protestant chapel services Sunday mornings. Not on Wednesday.   Do right, live right, some Jesus,  OK.  

So,  I loved Christ.  Then, we moved a few times & I walked away.  I dropped out of college & joined the Navy. I married a free spending  girl, then lost my left arm in a car wreck.   She took my money & kids, & I died inside.  My oldest son served with distinction in Afghanistan & Iraq.  My daughter has 3 boys.  It was unbearable to lose them, & to be alone. But, they are well, as am I, now.

That’s good, but i was simply destroyed, initially.  In my despair, The Lord found me.  I  remarried, & we had 2 boys, in defiance of medical science.  I finished my Bachelor’s, moved up the ladder at work, & now I’m a supervisor.  I’m also happily married.  I always wanted to be in love.  Ahhhh.  She loves Jesus enough to truly love me.  The Lord is very kind.  We home school, live near friends, & have a content life.  Outside of Christianity, my life makes no sense, & that’s comforting.  

Click below to read posts and listen to sermons

by Brad Capshaw

June 2022 South Carolina Sunday Services
June 2022 South Carolina Sunday Services
June 2022 South Carolina Sunday Services The Fishermen Ministry
April 2022 South Carolina Sunday Services
April 2022 South Carolina Sunday Services
April 2022 South Carolina Sunday Services The Fishermen Ministry
February 2022 South Carolina Sunday Services
February 2022 South Carolina Sunday Services
February 2022 South Carolina Sunday Services The Fishermen Ministry
November 2021 South Carolina Sunday Services
November 2021 South Carolina Sunday Services
November 2021 South Carolina Sunday Services The Fishermen Ministry

Contact Brad

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