Grace Ranch


Grace Ranch was founded by Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. in 2003.

Grace Ranch is a working ranch that is wholly dedicated to the Lord.  It was founded in 2003 by Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. and represents the culmination of his more than forty years of preaching the Gospel, establishing churches, conducting tent revivals, running missions and training ministers. In some ways it may be helpful to liken Grace Ranch to the ministry of John the Baptist for Grace Ranch, like John’s ministry, is located in the wilderness, but not so far removed that it is inaccessible.  It is approximately an hour away from downtown El Paso, making it relatively easy to get to, but the 17 miles of dirt roads between the ranch and the Interstate creates a physical separation that makes Grace Ranch a sanctuary to many. Every visitor to Grace Ranch is ministered to individually, just as Jesus did in His ministry.  For some, the physical separation from the world is critical to them getting free of problems, such as: drug addiction, alcholism and depression that have plagued them.  For others, the ranch provides the solitude they need to get focused upon and oriented in the Lord so they can return home with a fresh perspective, ready to move forward in Christ, with His blessings abiding upon them. Grace Ranch is also our ministry’s central hub for training ministers of the Gospel.  Many ministers from around the world disciple under ministers who call Grace Ranch home.  Others attend our annual, week-long  ministers’ convention, held every October, or enroll in our Christian Boot Camp, where we provide intensive training (much like boot camp in the military) to those who desire become ministers of the Gospel. If you are interested in more information concerning the ranch or to visit, please contact us at 915-988-2450, fill out the Contact Us form below or visit our website at

Contact Grace Ranch

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Bible Study Topics, Teachings, Sermons, Articles of Faith and more
Do the Scriptures Support Women Ministers?
By: Ann C. Eutsler. This is an age-old question I hope to shed some light on.  I know from experience the battle, without and within,…
A Christmas Letter
A Christmas Letter by Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. December 23, 1987. To all my friends in the Lord, Greetings, in the name of Jesus Christ…
Is Your Salvation Secure?
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. Is Your Salvation Secure? Hebrews 4:1-2 Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his…
Behavior Becometh Holiness
By: Ann C. Eutsler. A teaching on what Paul is speaking of when he says a woman’s “behavior becometh holiness”.
Can Anyone Be Saved?
Can Anyone Be Saved? Submitted By: Duane Perry to Steve Atherton, TFM. Comments By:  Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. A Great True Story – This was…
Who Are The Elect Of God?
By Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. Who Are The Elect Of God? They are the men and women called by The Father through His Word, Jesus!…
Joshua On The March
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. Crossing the River Jordan is God’s plan for His people. It separates the “old man” from the “New Man” in…
The Second Passover
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. The Second Passover. Hear the word of the Lord, all of you who are called by His name! Wake up…
God's Election
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. God’s Election. This letter is written to all those who are called of God through Jesus Christ to be the…
Who Is A Minister?
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. Who Is A Minister? This letter is written in the hope of finding and reaching the Elect Seed of God…
Is The Church In Trouble?
By Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. Is The Church In Trouble? Look what Jesus said to His disciples: Mark 8:15 And he charged them, saying, Take…
How Should The Church Operate?
By: Steven H. Atherton. How Should The Church Operate? Recently, I have had the experience of establishing a church in Claremont, NH.
Are You Free From Fear?
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. Are You Free From Fear and Worry?  Too many people today live in one kind of fear or another, including…
Walking In The Spirit
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. Walking in the Spirit. Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Gift of Healing, Prophecy, Visions, Tongues…
2 Peter 1
A Teaching on 2 Peter 1. The letter is addressed to those who “have obtained like precious faith with us” referring to the fact that…
Fear Of The Lord
A Teaching on Fear of the Lord. What does it mean to fear God?  The fear of God is a choice. The fear of God…
Teaching on Diligence. The words diligent (14 times), diligently (37 times) and diligence (10 times) are used 61 times in the scripture. Curiously, there are…
Now Is The Time
By: Ann C. Eutsler. Now Is The Time. May 15, 1988. A great loss was had by all of us a short time ago. To…
Vanity Of Their Mind
By: Ann C. Eutsler. Vanity of their Mind. We are commanded in Ephesians 4:17-19 by Paul, by the witness of the Lord, to not walk…
Tithing, Offering and Alms-Giving
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. Teaching on Tithing, Offering and Alms-Giving. We believe and support the scriptural teaching on tithing, offerings and alms-giving.
These Are The Last Days
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. As I was sitting and thinking on the things that God has been showing His people lately, I began to…
The Promise
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. The Promise. “Why do you think that I gave man the sunset?” “I don’t know.” “What do you think about…
The Elect Of God - Rejected In Pride
By: N. Scott Stevens. The Elect Of God – Rejected In Pride
Secular Humanism
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. What is Secular Humanism? This is something that we hear talked about from time to time and yet too many…
Saved By Grace Or By Works?
The age old questions continues: Are we saved by works or by grace? Many in word say that we are saved by grace, but in…
Matthew 3:11
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. Matthew 3:11 Teaching. John was a prophet sent by God to prepare the way for the coming of the Lord,…
Ephesians 1
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. & Steven H. Atherton. Study of Ephesians 1. We will endeavor to lay aside those things that are commonly received…
Baptism - One, Two or Three?
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. Baptism 1, 2 or 3. There have been many questions and discussions over the years about Baptism. Some say there…
A Word About Prayer
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. A Word About Prayer. It is important to pray for others in the Lord with like faith. I would even…


Grace Ranch was founded by Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. in 2003.

Grace Ranch is a working ranch that is wholly dedicated to the Lord.  It was founded in 2003 by Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. and represents the culmination of his more than forty years of preaching the Gospel, establishing churches, conducting tent revivals, running missions and training ministers. In some ways it may be helpful to liken Grace Ranch to the ministry of John the Baptist for Grace Ranch, like John’s ministry, is located in the wilderness, but not so far removed that it is inaccessible.  It is approximately an hour away from downtown El Paso, making it relatively easy to get to, but the 17 miles of dirt roads between the ranch and the Interstate creates a physical separation that makes Grace Ranch a sanctuary to many. Every visitor to Grace Ranch is ministered to individually, just as Jesus did in His ministry.  For some, the physical separation from the world is critical to them getting free of problems, such as: drug addiction, alcholism and depression that have plagued them.  For others, the ranch provides the solitude they need to get focused upon and oriented in the Lord so they can return home with a fresh perspective, ready to move forward in Christ, with His blessings abiding upon them. Grace Ranch is also our ministry’s central hub for training ministers of the Gospel.  Many ministers from around the world disciple under ministers who call Grace Ranch home.  Others attend our annual, week-long  ministers’ convention, held every October, or enroll in our Christian Boot Camp, where we provide intensive training (much like boot camp in the military) to those who desire become ministers of the Gospel. If you are interested in more information concerning the ranch or to visit, please contact us at 915-988-2450, fill out the Contact Us form below or visit our website at

Contact Grace Ranch

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Bible Study Topics, Teachings, Sermons, Articles of Faith and more
Do the Scriptures Support Women Ministers?
By: Ann C. Eutsler. This is an age-old question I hope to shed some light on.  I know from experience the battle, without and within,…
A Christmas Letter
A Christmas Letter by Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. December 23, 1987. To all my friends in the Lord, Greetings, in the name of Jesus Christ…
Is Your Salvation Secure?
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. Is Your Salvation Secure? Hebrews 4:1-2 Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his…
Behavior Becometh Holiness
By: Ann C. Eutsler. A teaching on what Paul is speaking of when he says a woman’s “behavior becometh holiness”.
Can Anyone Be Saved?
Can Anyone Be Saved? Submitted By: Duane Perry to Steve Atherton, TFM. Comments By:  Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. A Great True Story – This was…
Who Are The Elect Of God?
By Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. Who Are The Elect Of God? They are the men and women called by The Father through His Word, Jesus!…
Joshua On The March
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. Crossing the River Jordan is God’s plan for His people. It separates the “old man” from the “New Man” in…
The Second Passover
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. The Second Passover. Hear the word of the Lord, all of you who are called by His name! Wake up…
God's Election
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. God’s Election. This letter is written to all those who are called of God through Jesus Christ to be the…
Who Is A Minister?
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. Who Is A Minister? This letter is written in the hope of finding and reaching the Elect Seed of God…
Is The Church In Trouble?
By Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. Is The Church In Trouble? Look what Jesus said to His disciples: Mark 8:15 And he charged them, saying, Take…
How Should The Church Operate?
By: Steven H. Atherton. How Should The Church Operate? Recently, I have had the experience of establishing a church in Claremont, NH.
Are You Free From Fear?
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. Are You Free From Fear and Worry?  Too many people today live in one kind of fear or another, including…
Walking In The Spirit
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. Walking in the Spirit. Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Gift of Healing, Prophecy, Visions, Tongues…
2 Peter 1
A Teaching on 2 Peter 1. The letter is addressed to those who “have obtained like precious faith with us” referring to the fact that…
Fear Of The Lord
A Teaching on Fear of the Lord. What does it mean to fear God?  The fear of God is a choice. The fear of God…
Teaching on Diligence. The words diligent (14 times), diligently (37 times) and diligence (10 times) are used 61 times in the scripture. Curiously, there are…
Now Is The Time
By: Ann C. Eutsler. Now Is The Time. May 15, 1988. A great loss was had by all of us a short time ago. To…
Vanity Of Their Mind
By: Ann C. Eutsler. Vanity of their Mind. We are commanded in Ephesians 4:17-19 by Paul, by the witness of the Lord, to not walk…
Tithing, Offering and Alms-Giving
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. Teaching on Tithing, Offering and Alms-Giving. We believe and support the scriptural teaching on tithing, offerings and alms-giving.
These Are The Last Days
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. As I was sitting and thinking on the things that God has been showing His people lately, I began to…
The Promise
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. The Promise. “Why do you think that I gave man the sunset?” “I don’t know.” “What do you think about…
The Elect Of God - Rejected In Pride
By: N. Scott Stevens. The Elect Of God – Rejected In Pride
Secular Humanism
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. What is Secular Humanism? This is something that we hear talked about from time to time and yet too many…
Saved By Grace Or By Works?
The age old questions continues: Are we saved by works or by grace? Many in word say that we are saved by grace, but in…
Matthew 3:11
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. Matthew 3:11 Teaching. John was a prophet sent by God to prepare the way for the coming of the Lord,…
Ephesians 1
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. & Steven H. Atherton. Study of Ephesians 1. We will endeavor to lay aside those things that are commonly received…
Baptism - One, Two or Three?
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. Baptism 1, 2 or 3. There have been many questions and discussions over the years about Baptism. Some say there…
A Word About Prayer
By: Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. A Word About Prayer. It is important to pray for others in the Lord with like faith. I would even…